Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Esteem Yourself!
Here's a short self-test to help you see how well you esteem yourself. Each question asks how you respond to a particular situation. Keep track of your "yes" answers.

  1. Can you maintain good feelings about yourself even if someone criticizes you?
  2. When you fail or do something wrong can you say you're sorry and accept forgiveness or do you persist in feeling bad about yourself?
  3. Can you offer a dissenting opinion to people you respect?
  4. If you talked to one of your children or to your best friend the way you talk to yourself would they feel esteemed?
  5. Do you say thank you when you're complemented?
  6. Do you avoid comparing yourself to others, thinking that you're better than or less than they are?
  7. When you've been hurt do you receive comfort from yourself and others instead of hiding your pain?
  8. If your spouse, roommate, or someone you're close to is in a bad mood do you maintain your own feelings of well-being anyway (without matching their mood)?
  9. Do you know what your gifts and talents are and are you confident using them?
  10. Can you say "good enough" about a project you're working on instead of being perfectionistic?
  11. Do you appreciate your strengths and work to improve your weaknesses instead of overlooking your strengths and feeling bad about your weaknesses?

    Scoring: The more yes answers you have, the stronger your self-esteem. Eight or more yes answers suggests that your self-esteem is in good shape. Each no answers indicates an area that you need to work on in order to strengthen your self-esteem.

Drron :-)